Chris Holroyd
Manchester UK
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  • Mar 13th 2024 at 1:07 PM
    You Must Have A Primary Business?

    “GRAVY” is money earned, for example, over $1K per month in our case, while promoting your primary business, which you are going to do anyway, right?

    So, this does not count the money you earn in your primary business, but only the extra income you earn by default.

    Thus I call it "gravy. "




    You must have a primary business, which is the most important thing.

    Your primary business is the one thing that you do always, irrespective. of everything else, In other words, you are committed to your primary business. lock, stock, and barrel.

    You are sold on it, period.

    For example, everyone whom you come in contact with must know it.

    The local dentist, whose primary program was excel, and everybody in town knew her as “Excel Ellen”. This works for online or brick and mortar businesses.

    Just think of the people you know in your town who you identify with their primary business: judge, sheriff, doctor, banker, barber, plumber, electrician, realtor, etc.

    Nobody is confused about what they consider their primary business.


    meaning to say, I promote it first, before all others.

    I know all about it. As evidence of my commitment to my primary business, I refuse to join anything with anybody who is not first a member of my downline in My Primary Business.

    Conversely, if your primary business changes monthly, weekly, or daily, Everybody knows it, and you are only fooling yourself if you don’t understand that!

    Here comes Ol 'What’s His Name.

    I wonder what he’s pitching this week.

    Wonder what happened to his last — latest, greatest deal, not to mention all the poor folks he talked into it.

    In other words, what your grandma told you, you have to stand for something, or you’ll fall for anything, so commit to something.


    Because of its integrity, longevity, residual income, and much more, you must find “Your Primary Business” or people will get tired of seeing you coming.


    Listen, if you think you can be truly successful online without advertising, quit now.

    You are not going to make it, ever, unless you learn who, what, where, why, and how to advertise.

    You've got to advertise, period, or your business will die a slow death.


    This is exactly how a few of us are earning hundreds of dollars monthly!

    The money is not coming from trying to make money from advertising, but from advertising our primary business and the money follows, so we are making money by default, in the process of promoting our primary business now, You can’t do that with just any advertisement, but you can, and a few of us do choose to do it.


    Every one of your customers who chooses to make money with advertising (like you are doing) will be in your sales force.

    Within a few months you could have 1000’s of people in your sales force.

    Every time any one of them makes a sale, you get paid!

    It’s always about product advertising.



    When you were born, did the people in the delivery room look at you and say, “oh, ok, this one’s an internet marketer." Of course not.

    You were not born knowing anything; you have to learn.


    if you think you know all about internet marketing, Quit Now.

    If you think there is something else you can learn or another tool you might be able to use going forward, or if you are like me, and you have people asking you every day how to do this or that, then do as I have done for over 8 years now...

    Send them to where you can help them!


    I can’t tell you the number of times somebody has said, "What about how to make money online?" or "What about websites, hosting, etc." and I simply say to them, "Sure, no trouble at all."

    As one fellow whom I sent there said, join free, with its step-by-step inspiration, tools, and services for a newbie to an expert, is simply incredible, That’s what separates the free earning campaign from all others!

    So go to my primary business below and check it out at no cost to you.


    Upgrade and refer others, then as they upgrade and you get paid, you can then upgrade out of profit, not out of pocket, and you can do the same as me, or better! Why not?


    Others are doing this and earning big money, It is not rocket science and requires only focus.

    If you keep doing this and you do not ever quit, on or before your first year is up, there is no reason in the world you should not be earning at least 1K per month, right?


    Nobody is going to do it for you, This is so easy that all you use is one finger, If you can point and click, you’re in business, We have people doing this earning five thousand a day,


    Don’t just sit there, What’s stopping you, We are open 24 hours a day,


    Team Upline Sponsor

    Yours sincerely,
    Chris Holroyd

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  • Nov 26th 2024 at 4:01 AM
    The Money Is In The List

    Free List Monster is the brainchild of Craig Haywood who created it out of sheer frustration. It is a frustration many experienced marketers will be able to identify with. It goes something like this:

    As an experienced marketer, you join a new opportunity and promote it to your list, quickly gettting a truckload of referrals. Pretty soon, your referrals reach out to you wanting to know how you are getting so many referrals. When you tell them you only promote to your list, they write it off as bad advice and continue doing things the hard way.

    Sound Familiar?

    Craig struggled with this problem for a long time, trying to figure out how to motivate newbie marketers to start building their lists in order to go from struggling to make a buck or two every now and then to making a decent income consistently without any difficulty.

    But how do you convince a newbiew to look at the bigger picture and not the instant gratification of getting a commission notification? This may come off as contradicting, because even though instant gratification is the driving factor, the majority of newbies struggle for months to make their first commission.

    The answer Craig came up with is to reward marketers for doing the sensible thing and pay them cold hard cash for building the biggest money-making asset they will ever have in their online marketing career.

    Through this reward system Craig will pay you more and more, the bigger your list grows up to a maximum reward level of 10,000 subscribers. This is not to say the service will cap your growth at 10,000 subscribers. You just won't earn anymore cash rewards once you go past 10,000 subscribers, but by this time you won't worry about doing it for rewards anymore as you will already make thousands every month promoting to your list.

    The service is based on a one-up-to-infinity referral system, meaning that anyone ending up in your downline, will pass up every odd referral they make to your sponsor. If it sounds counter productive to only having all your even referrals end up in your downline, think of it this way...

    If you make 20 referrals, 10 would go to your sponsor and 10 to you. The 10 people in your downline will now pass all their odd referrals up to you. Even if they only refer one person, it means you got the 10 people you passed up to your sponsor back in your downline through the efforts of the 10 people you kept. And those 10 new members in your downline will now pass up all their odd referrals to you.

    Even if every person ending up in your downline only pass up one person to you, it means your list will keep growing forever without any further action on your part. Now imagine what will happen if they pass up more than one person? Can you see where this is going.

    The one-up-to-infinity referral system have some impressive benefits putting it a cut above other referral systems. First, and this one is very important, it ensures you will only ever end up on your sponsor's mailing list. This puts it way obove other list builders I have seen where you end up on multiple lists. Secondly, and this is what most people will find appealing; the more people coming into your downline, the faster your list begins to grow which means you will also reach the higher cash reward levels faster than you reach the first one.

    Now throw in that this whole system is 100% free and you have the makings of a winner. There are no hidden upsells for higher levels to make the system work faster or better. This makes it extremely newbie friendly because you will essentially be giving away free accounts that pay people to do the same.

    To really put this over the top, you also have an option to monetize your account for passive income while building your list. This is optional and will in no way hamper your ability to build your list. However, if you look at the way this system was put together, it really makes a lot of sense to derive extra income by activating the monetization option. And even if you don't want to go that route, you will still earn commissions through one of Craig's other products being sold at a massive discount inside the members area. With your downline set to grow passively, it means you will make these commissions through absolutely no action or effort on your part.

    All in all, Free List Monster is a well thought out system that will get a lot of people making money online for the first time in their lives while also building their biggest money-making asset.


    - 100% free to join with no hidden upgrades.
    - Your leads are automatically added to your list in Getresponse if your in GetResponse.
    - One-click leads export for non Getresponse members
    - Get paid up to $550 for building your list
    - Earn full commissions from other products without having to buy into it yourself.


    - Only support Getresponse for automatic lead deposits.

    Click Here to Watch the Full Instructional Video Now!

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  • "EscapePlan IS1 Review: Here's Why Everyone's Talking About It!"

    "Discover the Secret Behind This Game-Changing System That’s Helping Ordinary People Earn Extraordinary Incomes Online – Is It Too Good to Be True?"

    EscapePlan IS1 Review: An Affiliate Automation Solution for Beginners?


    EscapePlan IS1 Overview: EscapePlan

    IS1 is presented as a digital affiliate marketing solution designed to help users generate income online with minimal effort.

    The product revolves around giving away "ready-made" training for free, with the goal of earning affiliate commissions ranging from $39.60 to $788.10 per sale.

    Priced at $7.00, it promises a simple and cost-effective way for beginners and seasoned marketers alike to potentially earn money without needing extensive technical skills or prior experience.

    What does this product profess to do?

    According to the product creators, EscapePlan IS1 may offer a streamlined approach to affiliate marketing.

    The idea is to provide users with free training content that includes case studies and step-by-step instructions, which they can distribute to potential customers.

    By sharing this training material, users might be able to earn commissions from related affiliate offers without having to actively sell products, create landing pages, manage autoresponders, or handle other traditional marketing tasks.

    Initial Impressions:

    At first glance, EscapePlan IS1 looks appealing, particularly for individuals who have struggled with affiliate marketing before.

    Its "no selling required" approach could be attractive to those intimidated by the idea of pitching products directly or dealing with complex marketing setups.

    The affordable price of $7.00 also makes it accessible for a wide range of users.

    EscapePlan IS1 Features

    Key Features:

    IFTF Affiliate Automation Breakthrough (2024): Described as an automated way to potentially generate affiliate commissions.

    No Selling, Pages, Autoresponders, or Setup Required: The product is marketed as a plug-and-play system with minimal technical requirements.

    Ready-Made Free Training: Users can give away the training for free, while the product creators handle all backend processes.


    Based on the product description, EscapePlan IS1 seems to function as a lead generation tool where users share the free training material provided by the creators.

    When individuals sign up for the training, they may be presented with offers that can result in affiliate commissions for the user.

    The goal is to leverage the free training as a way to build trust and engage potential customers without requiring the user to actively sell.


    Ease of Use: EscapePlan

    IS1 appears to be user-friendly, especially for beginners who may not have the skills to build websites or create marketing campaigns from scratch.

    The promise of no setup, pages, or autoresponders means that users can get started quickly, simply by sharing the training link.

    This could be beneficial for individuals who want to explore affiliate marketing but feel overwhelmed by the technical aspects.


    The effectiveness of EscapePlan IS1, as with most affiliate marketing products, may depend on the user's ability to drive traffic to the training material.

    The "no selling" aspect is appealing, but generating consistent income will likely require a steady flow of interested individuals.

    However, for those who can reach a relevant audience, the automated nature of the system could potentially lead to affiliate commissions as advertised.

    Comparison with Similar Products:

    Compared to traditional affiliate marketing tools, which often require building sales funnels, managing email lists, or creating content, EscapePlan IS1's simplified approach could save significant time and effort.

    The cost of $7.00 is also much lower than many other affiliate marketing courses or software, which can range into the hundreds of dollars.

    Pros and Cons of EscapePlan IS1


    Low Entry Cost: At $7.00, it is an affordable option for individuals wanting to try affiliate marketing.

    Minimal Setup Required: Users do not need to worry about building websites, setting up email marketing, or other technical tasks.

    Potential for High Commissions: Affiliate commissions range from $39.60 to $788.10, according to the product creators.

    Appealing for Beginners: The simple approach and automated nature may make it easier for newcomers to start earning.


    Traffic Generation is Still Required: Users will still need to drive traffic to the training material, which can be challenging for some.

    Results May Vary: Success is likely to depend on how effectively the user can reach a relevant audience.

    Limited Control: Since the product creators handle the backend processes, users have limited influence over the sales funnel or offers presented.

    Price: EscapePlan

    IS1 is offered at a one-time cost of $7.00, which is relatively inexpensive compared to other affiliate marketing products.

    For this price, users gain access to the training material and the automated system for generating potential commissions.

    While it is affordable, it's important for users to keep in mind that results may not be guaranteed, and the success of the system will likely depend on their ability to promote the training.


    EscapePlan IS1 looks to be a potentially attractive option for individuals interested in affiliate marketing but intimidated by the technical requirements often associated with it.

    The approach of giving away free training to earn commissions could appeal to beginners and those looking for a low-risk entry into the affiliate marketing world.

    However, users should be prepared to invest time in promoting the training to see results, as traffic generation will still play a key role in the system's effectiveness.

    After exploring the details about this product, do you think it meets your needs?

    Or are you just searching for a straight forward and hassle-free method to earn some extra cash online without any upfront costs?

    If you’re keen on generating additional income online without the complications, this completely free training is designed for you.

    "Uncover the Secret Behind This Innovative System That’s Empowering Everyday People to Achieve Remarkable Online Earnings – Is It Too Good to Be True?"

    Click Here to Watch the Full Instructional Video Now!

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The Money Is In The List
Nov 26th 2024 at 4:01 AM
You Must Have A Primary Business?
Mar 13th 2024 at 1:07 PM
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